Culture is among the most complicated words in the English language. It refers to the processes by which the symbolic systems (e.g., common sense, "usual way of doing things"; traditions and rituals, frameworks for understanding experience, etc.) characteristically shared by a group of people are maintained and transformed across time. Despite the appearance of stability, culture is a dynamic, historical process. Youth culture refers to those processes and symbolic systems that young people share that are, to some degree, distinctive from those of their parents and the other adults in their community.
These days we tend to loose focus on How we came to be where we are.
Who are we?
We are the future, we are the symbols that represent change. We are the descendants of o Steve Biko, o Chris Hani, ungakhohlwa o Hector Peterson. I can name them all but save that for another discussion. Ngikhuluma nani sizwe esimyama, inina indlunkulu la emzansi, asibe isibonelo Kukho konke esikwenzayo. Uma thina siziphathisa ko ndlavini zifundani izingane ezisilandela ngemumva, Angisho ukuthi asingajabuli ngezinto esesikwazi ukuzithola kalula kunakuqala, kodwa akungabi ukuthi sesikhohlwa i mandate yokuthi "KUMELE SIBUSE KUZE KUBUYE UJESU"
Asisananembeza, sesivele sibukelana phansi sisodwa, Abelungu sebefundile ukuthi thina asiyona imbumba, remember isiqubulo esithi "Together we strive, devided we fall" Akungathi wena uma unomsebenzi ongcono mese ubona omunye umuntu wakini ukuthi kumele umucindezele.
Let their tears and sweat not be in vein. Let their suffering be our gain. Lets make the best of what they wanted to call freedom. Ungapheli moya nzalo yomuntu omyama. The time is now to take a stand to say you want a better tomorrow for all!
Lingathathwa izwe nibhekile nikhona nisinekile, nikhamisile ningenzi lutho